Tuesday 4 March 2008

Kid Room #1 - DONE

This weekend we (hubby) started of by priming the last wall, where the doors between the two bedrooms are:

After this coat of primer, we added a coat of black primer (no, she isn't in the black paint with purple polka dots stage. Yet), which is full of iron filings. This primer is really cool (also, really expensive), and makes the wall magnetic.

After that, we finished painting the blue:

And then hubby started installing the border and the wallpaper. We hang wallpaper and border backwards from the instructions, border first, then wallpaper. It works for us. This was the final result, before furniture:

And then on Sunday morning before church, we moved her in:

(you can see the papers attached to the wall by magnets in the picture above)

We still have to put trim up, and a closet door, and we are planning on hanging a fish net on the ceiling for her stuffed animals. Baseboards will eventually go up also, but we are planning on ripping out the carpets in the next couple of years, so not until the floors are redone. There are no baseboards in our house anywhere, and wasn't when we moved in, so why make this room any different?

According to hubby, this is the nicest looking boys room he's ever decorated. It is definitely a far cry from the pink fairies and butterflies that were in her last room. My child is definitely not a girly girl.

Tomorrow's post.... the progress that has not been made on kid room #2!!

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