Thursday 4 November 2010

Trip To Algonquin - Part One

So, while I was between jobs this summer, I had a few weeks off.

So I took the kids to Algonquin for a vacation.

Daddy came with us for the weekend.... but then had to go back to work.

We went to the logging museum with Dad.

Where everyone read about the history of logging in the Park:

Chuck & Daddy climbed up on the sleigh to take a look:

While Buddy tried desperately to join them:

(He didn't like Mommy's rule that you had to be big enough to climb up by your ownself)

Then climbed on the Alligator:

(Chuck is blocking him, to make him stand still for the picture. otherwise... he'd be driving it by now)

Tried to get into the car:

And 'drove' the tractor:

And of course..... checked out the train:

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