Saturday, 14 November 2009


Lately, chuck has become a 'moody' teen, who goes right up to her room after dinner.

So lately, Buddy and I have been going upstairs as well. We open up the doors in between her room & Buddy's, close the wall mounted gate on his door (generally used to keep him in), put up the pressure mounted gate on her door (generally used to keep him out), and play.

I say "If Chuckles dosen't want to play downstairs with us, then we can play upstairs with her!"

So far, she dosen't seem to have a problem with this. It isn't that she dosen't want to be with us, it's more that she wants to be in her own space.

Last night, we didn't clsoe the doors back up. I was still asleep this morning, and all of a sudden could hear Buddy 'chattering' away... "HI!" "Hi Hi HI"

He was very excited to wake up and see that he was SHARING A ROOM WITH HIS SISTER!!

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